Q.1 What is python? Ans: Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python's simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance. Q.2 Explain some key features of python.? Ans: Some key features of python are as follows: 1) Easy to Learn and Use. 2) More expressive means that it is more understandable and readable. 3) interpreted language means interpreter executes the code line by line, makes debugging easy. 4) Free and Open Source. 5) Object-Oriented Language. 6) Extensible and Large Standard Library. 7) GUI Programming Support and Cross-platform Language. Q.3 Is python keywords are case sensitive or not? Ans: Keywords are the reserved words in Python. In Python, keywords are case sensitive. There are 33 keywords in Python 3.7. This number can vary slightly over the course...